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Text File  |  1998-02-06  |  5KB  |  83 lines

  1. App Name       xxxxxxxx.xxx
  2. App Version    1998-02-06 07:09:11
  3. Frame Caption    Website Manager Setup
  4. Dialog Caption Base    Website Manager
  5. Usage String    Usage:  Setup
  6. About Box String    1998 Pro Solutions Software\n\nThis installation was created using the Visual FoxPro Setup Wizard.
  7. Check Modules    "Fox_4000001,Microsoft Visual FoxPro, graph, MS Graph, ed, MS Draw, msinfo, MS Info, MSOfficeWClass, Microsoft Office Manager, MOM Class, Office Shortcut Bar"
  8. MSAPPS Mode    local
  9. Suppress Serial Number Dialog
  10. Inf File Name    SETUP.INF
  11. Maximum Object ID    67
  12. Floppy Mode Root Object ID    2 : 1
  13. Maintenance Mode Root Object ID    3 : 1
  14. Batch Mode Root Object ID    2 : 1
  15. Setup Version
  17. ObjID    Install During Batch Mode    Title    Descr    Type    Data    Bmp Id    Vital    Shared    Dir Chang    Dest Dir    Check Directory
  18. 1            Search for previous versions.    AppSearch    """C:\WEBMAN\"", """", """", 12, ""yes"", ""yes"","                    
  19. 2        Floppy Installation        AppMainDlg    5                Yes    
  20. 3        Maintenance Installation        CustomDlg    7                    
  21. 4                                        
  22. 5    Yes        Install all files for Website Manager    Group    7    "wizset32.dll, 111"                
  23. 6                                        
  24. 7    Yes    Website Manager    Website Manager will be installed.    Group    8 9 11 12 10 14 13 47                    
  25. 8            *** Website Manager Files    CopyFile    """Application"", ""25746331"""        vital            
  26. 9            *** Website Manager Files    CopySection    Application        vital            
  27. 10            *** Ole Custom Controls    Group    55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63        vital            %M
  28. 11            *** Program Manager Items    Group    64 65 66        vital            
  29. 12            System Files    Group    16 17 18 19 20 21 22                    
  30. 13                Group    37 34                    
  31. 14                Group    25                    
  32. 15                                        
  33. 16                InstallSysFile    """System"",""Mfc40Dll"""                    
  34. 17        MFC40.DLL        SelfReg    """System"", Mfc40Dll"                    %M
  35. 18                InstallSysFile    """System"",""ComcatDll"""                    
  36. 19        COMCAT.DLL        SelfReg    """System"", ComcatDll"                    %M
  37. 20                InstallSysFile    """System"",""Msvcrt20Dll"""                    
  38. 21                InstallSysFile    """System"",""Msvcrt40NT"""                    
  39. 22                Group    41 42                    
  40. 23                                        
  41. 24                                        
  42. 25                Group    26 27 28 29 30 31 32 44 54                    
  43. 26                InstallShared    "FoxPro Runtime,Vfp500Dll,vfp500,,8"                    %M
  44. 27                InstallShared    "FoxPro Runtime,Vfp5enuDll,vfp5enu,,8"                    %M
  45. 28                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""VisualFoxProRuntime.5\shell\open\command"", """", ""%s\VFP500.DLL %%1"""                    %26
  46. 29                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""VisualFoxProRuntime.5"", """", ""Microsoft Visual FoxPro 5.0 Runtime"""                    
  47. 30                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""NoDualInterface\{2B32FBC2-A8F1-11CF-93EE-00AA00C08FDF}"",                """","""","""""                    
  48. 31                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""NoDualInterface\{D4A97620-8E8F-11CF-93CD-00AA00C08FDF}"",                """","""","""""                    
  49. 32                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""NoDualInterface\{EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}"",                """","""","""""                    
  50. 33                                        
  51. 34                Group    35 36                    
  52. 35                InstallSysFile    System, AsycfiltDll,                    %M
  53. 36                InstallSysFile    System, Stdole2Tlb,                    %M
  54. 37                Group    38 39 44                    
  55. 38                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""Licenses"", """", ""Licensing: Copying the keys may be a violation of established copyrights."""                    
  56. 39                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""Licenses\DB4C0D00-400B-101B-A3C9-08002B2F49FB"", """", ""mgkgtgnnmnmninigthkgogggvmkhinjggnvm"""                    
  57. 40                                        
  58. 41                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""Detect95"", ""Win95"""                    
  59. 42                Depend    41 ? : 43                    
  60. 43                InstallSysFile    """System"", ""Ctl3dntDll"""        vital    shared        
  61. 44                InstallShared    "System,Vfpole50Dll,VfpOle50"                    %M
  62. 45                                        
  63. 46                DetectOlderFile    "OLEAUT32.DLL, 2.20.4028.1"                    %M
  64. 47                Depend    46 ? 48 : 49                    
  65. 48                Depend    41 ? 49  50 51 : 49 50 52 51 53                    
  66. 49                InstallSysFile    """System"", ""Olepro32Dll"""                    
  67. 50        OLEPRO32.DLL        SelfReg    """System"", Olepro32Dll"                    %M
  68. 51                InstallSysFile    """System"", ""Oleaut32Dll"""                    
  69. 52        Setup Message    Installation of this product requires system administrator privileges.    CustomAction    "wizset32.dll, DetectAdminPrivileges"                    
  70. 53        Visual FoxPro Setup - Restart Windows    You need to restart Windows NT to complete the installation.  After restarting Windows NT, Setup will be complete.    CustomAction    "wizset32.dll, DoMessageBox, 24"                    
  71. 54                InstallShared    "FoxPro Runtime,FoxproInt,foxproint,,8"                    %M
  72. 55    Yes            InstallShared    "Ole Custom Controls,25745635,comctl32,,8"                    %M
  73. 56    Yes    COMCTL32.OCX        Depend    55 ? 57                    
  74. 57    Yes    COMCTL32.OCX        SelfReg    """Ole Custom Controls"", ""25745635"""                    
  75. 58    Yes            InstallShared    "Ole Custom Controls,25744954,mftp32,,8"                    %M
  76. 59    Yes    MFTP32.OCX        Depend    58 ? 60                    
  77. 60    Yes    MFTP32.OCX        SelfReg    """Ole Custom Controls"", ""25744954"""                    
  78. 61    Yes            InstallShared    "Ole Custom Controls,25745088,mmail32,,8"                    %M
  79. 62    Yes    MMAIL32.OCX        Depend    61 ? 63                    
  80. 63    Yes    MMAIL32.OCX        SelfReg    """Ole Custom Controls"", ""25745088"""                    
  81. 64    Yes        Program Manager Icon    AddProgmanItem    "Website_<Website Manager>, Website_<Website Manager>, %s\webman.exe, ""%s"", ""%s\webman.ico"","""","        vital            %D
  82. 65    Yes        Program Manager Icon    AddProgmanItem    "Website_<Website Manager>, WebMan_H<WebMan Help>, %s\webman.hlp, ""%s"", """","""","        vital            %D
  83. 66    Yes        Program Manager Icon    AddProgmanItem    "Website_<Website Manager>, WebMan_W<WebMan Website>, %s\website.html, ""%s"", """","""","        vital            %D